
Constructor with custom title and description template

This describer will replace ${identity} with formatted identity and ${component} with formatted component in title and description using identityFormatter and componentFormatter for formatting.

  1. this(string title, string description, string delegate(const ref IdentityType identity) @(safe) pure identityFormatter, string delegate(const ref ComponentType component) @(safe) pure componentFormatter)
    class TypeDescriber(ComponentType = Object, IdentityType = string)
    string title
    string delegate
    const ref IdentityType identity
    @safe pure
    string delegate
    const ref ComponentType component
    @safe pure
  2. this(string title, string description)
  3. this()


title string

title template used to generate description title

description string

description template used to generate description itself

identityFormatter string delegate
const ref IdentityType identity
@safe pure

formatter that produces a readable string out of passed component identity

componentFormatter string delegate
const ref ComponentType component
@safe pure

formatter that produces a readable string out of passed component
